Web3 provider allows your application to communicate with an Ethereum or Blockchain Node. Providers take JSON-RPC requests and return the response. This is normally done by submitting the request to an HTTP or IPC socket based server.
所以前幾天註冊了我自己的 iPhoneX 到 JapanGo 上 並下載 dev client 測試,沒什麼問題 那我就想,應該把 Josie 的 iPhone SE 也拿來測試一下 畢竟那是最小的 iPhone 那因為我要多註冊一個裝置,所以必須重新打包 這時 EAS 就報錯了
不知道是不是因為凌晨是國外的 APP 打包旺季 EAS build 居然需要排隊 270 分鐘!!! 阿不就幸好我可以去睡覺 (其實也早該睡了) 不然也等太久了吧 算了反正我是 EAS 免費仔 不付費就是要排隊XD
回來正題:EAS 報錯
總之我睡了一覺起來就看到紅色的 error 錯誤訊息如下:
1 2 3 4
Error: Compatible versions of some pods could not be resolved. You are seeing this error because either: - Versions in the Podfile.lock cached by EAS do not match required values in Podspecs of some of the libraries. To fix that add the "cache.key" field (it can be set to any value) in the build profile in eas.json to invalidate the cache. - Some of the pods used in your project depend on different versions of the same pod. See logs for more information.